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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
gwt-ext Panele button eklerken
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Mysql de Ornek Grant
GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP on infomachine.* to infomachine@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'infomachine'
Mysql Alterde Change ve Modify Farkı
Change kolon ismini de degistirmek icin
Modify kolonun sadece type ve ozelliklerini degistirmek icin
Modify kolonun sadece type ve ozelliklerini degistirmek icin
gwt-ext de combobox
1) Display Field combobox da gosterilmesi gereken recordref id.
2) Aşağıdaki koda göre, FormPanel.getForm().getValues() dendiğinde,
templateid = recordref in templatenumber id li degeri çıkacaktır.
2) Aşağıdaki koda göre, FormPanel.getForm().getValues() dendiğinde,
templateid = recordref in templatenumber id li degeri çıkacaktır.
Eclipse Editor de Comment ve Satır Uzunlukları Ayarlama
Preferences / Java Code Style / Formatter / Project Specific Settings bolumunden yapılabilir.
Primary Key Auto Increment
Saturday, December 20, 2008
gwt-ext Horizontal Panel'de valign=top yapmak
HorizontalPanel 2 eklenen butun component lerin height ini aynı yapmak ile mümkün
gwt-ext setAutoExpandColumn kullanimi
Column Config'in 6. parametresi olan javascript id nin set edilmesi gerekli. setAutoExpandColumn bu id'ye gore çalışıyor.
ColumnConfig[] columns = new ColumnConfig[] {new ColumnConfig("Menu",
"menus", 140, false,null,"menuid")};
ColumnConfig[] columns = new ColumnConfig[] {new ColumnConfig("Menu",
"menus", 140, false,null,"menuid")};
gwt-ext Grid'in scrollbar boşluğunu yok etme
GridPanel lOBMenuGrid = new GridPanel();
GridView view = new GridView();
view.setScrollOffset(2); // the grid will hide reserved scrollbar space
GridView view = new GridView();
view.setScrollOffset(2); // the grid will hide reserved scrollbar space
gwt-ext Panele Dinamik Component ekleme
1) Eklenecek panelin parent inin layout'u set edilmiş olmayacak
2) Eklendikten sonra parent.doLayout() sonra viewport.doLayout() çağırılacak
2) Eklendikten sonra parent.doLayout() sonra viewport.doLayout() çağırılacak
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Physical Location of a file in classpath?
- a file with a given name;
- the file is located in the file system;
- the file can be loaded via the classpath;
(Don't peek if you want to give it a try!)
String filePath = Thread.currentThread()
( From
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Ses Teorisi 5
1) Resonance: Emphasis ya da Q da denir.
Filter in cutoff civarindaki seslerini boost eder.
Sweep : Filter in cutoff u ile oynamak
2) Filter Env : Filter in ADSR i
3) Filter Amt: cutoff frekansi
4) Passif Filter : Sadece Filter
Actif Filter: Filter + Operation Amplifier (OpAmps)
Filter in cutoff civarindaki seslerini boost eder.
Sweep : Filter in cutoff u ile oynamak
2) Filter Env : Filter in ADSR i
3) Filter Amt: cutoff frekansi
4) Passif Filter : Sadece Filter
Actif Filter: Filter + Operation Amplifier (OpAmps)
Ses Teorisi 4
Cut Off Frequency : Filtrenin blok noktası
Attenuation : Lowering the volumen of the frequencies.
Slope,Gradient : Means Cut Off on analogue synths.
High Pass (HP): For allowing high frequencies to pass, cutoff altını attenuate eder.
vokal ve string leri daha parlaklaştırmak için.
Low Pass(LP): For allowing low frequencies to pas cutoff ustunu attenuate eder.
bass ları daha bass yapmak icin. Pad leri closing ve opening yapmak için
Band pass(BP) : HP and LP together. Old Radio Effect, Telephone effect için.
Band Reject (BR ya da Notch ) : Orta frekanslari yok eder.
2) Dalganin yuksekligi ( amplitude ) : volume
12 dB ve 24 dB filter var. Bu cutoff
frekansindan sonraki i seslerin volumunu azaltma hizi
amp/frekans diyebiliriz. Cutoff sonrasi Attenuation hizi da denebilir.
4) Comb Filter: Sinyali, ufak bir delay ( gecikme ) ile bir daha gonderir.
chorus/flange tarzı effektler için. Attenuation yapmıyor yani.
5) Parametric Filter ( Swept Eq ) : Bandwith frequency gain parametreleri.
Frekansı boost ya da cut yapar.
Shelving : Bandwith belirlemek
Cut Off Frequency : Filtrenin blok noktası
Attenuation : Lowering the volumen of the frequencies.
Slope,Gradient : Means Cut Off on analogue synths.
High Pass (HP): For allowing high frequencies to pass, cutoff altını attenuate eder.
vokal ve string leri daha parlaklaştırmak için.
Low Pass(LP): For allowing low frequencies to pas cutoff ustunu attenuate eder.
bass ları daha bass yapmak icin. Pad leri closing ve opening yapmak için
Band pass(BP) : HP and LP together. Old Radio Effect, Telephone effect için.
Band Reject (BR ya da Notch ) : Orta frekanslari yok eder.
2) Dalganin yuksekligi ( amplitude ) : volume
12 dB ve 24 dB filter var. Bu cutoff
frekansindan sonraki i seslerin volumunu azaltma hizi
amp/frekans diyebiliriz. Cutoff sonrasi Attenuation hizi da denebilir.
4) Comb Filter: Sinyali, ufak bir delay ( gecikme ) ile bir daha gonderir.
chorus/flange tarzı effektler için. Attenuation yapmıyor yani.
5) Parametric Filter ( Swept Eq ) : Bandwith frequency gain parametreleri.
Frekansı boost ya da cut yapar.
Shelving : Bandwith belirlemek
Ses Teorisi 3
Fundamental Frequency : Lowest Frequency of a complex waveform. It makes the pitch
Overtones : Higher frequencies. (upperpartials)
Harmonics: If overtones are multiple of the fundamental frequency (x2,x3,x4), so they are harmonics.
Noise : No harmonics.
Additive : İki waveformu toplama
Subtractive: Waveform dan frekans çıkarma
Frequency Modulation (FM)
Physical Modelling ( PM or PHM ) : waveformun fizigine giriyorsun sound create ederken.
PCM ( Pulse Code Modulation ) : Short Attack Sampled Waveforms
2) Analog Synth : Subtractive
3) Oscillator : Bir frekansta periyodik waveform uretir.
(VCO : voltage controlled oscillator)
(DCO : digitally controlled oscillator )
4) Low Frequency Oscillator ( LFO ) : Modulation Generator da denir.
10Hz in alti ile çalışır. Yani Kulağın duyabileceği
( kulak 20 Hz ve ustunu duyuyor )
5) Pulse Width Modulation ( PWM) : Dalga dongusunun genişliği ile oynama
Fundamental Frequency : Lowest Frequency of a complex waveform. It makes the pitch
Overtones : Higher frequencies. (upperpartials)
Harmonics: If overtones are multiple of the fundamental frequency (x2,x3,x4), so they are harmonics.
Noise : No harmonics.
Additive : İki waveformu toplama
Subtractive: Waveform dan frekans çıkarma
Frequency Modulation (FM)
Physical Modelling ( PM or PHM ) : waveformun fizigine giriyorsun sound create ederken.
PCM ( Pulse Code Modulation ) : Short Attack Sampled Waveforms
2) Analog Synth : Subtractive
3) Oscillator : Bir frekansta periyodik waveform uretir.
(VCO : voltage controlled oscillator)
(DCO : digitally controlled oscillator )
4) Low Frequency Oscillator ( LFO ) : Modulation Generator da denir.
10Hz in alti ile çalışır. Yani Kulağın duyabileceği
( kulak 20 Hz ve ustunu duyuyor )
5) Pulse Width Modulation ( PWM) : Dalga dongusunun genişliği ile oynama
Ses Teorisi 2
dB : DeciBel, Level of the sound
2) Envelope: Bir notanın Volume deki inis ve cikislar
3) Components of the Envelope of a waveform
A : attack : en yuksek seviyeye ulasis suresi
D :decay : en yuksekten orta seviyeye dusus suresi
S :sustain : orta seviye de bekleyis suresi
R :release : orta seviyeden 0 noktasina inis suresi
4) VST : Virtual Studio Technology
VSTI : virtual studio Technology Instruments
5) Synth Sozlugu
Kybd: keyboard
KybdTrk: keyboard tracking also known as key follow/scaling
Osc: oscillator
Amp: amplifier
Env: envelope
Vel: velocity
Vol: volume
Freq: frequency
dB: decibel
Hz: Hertz
kHz: Kilohertz
EQ: equalisation
EG: envelope generator
Atk: attack
Dcy: decay
Sus: sustain (in synthesis , in music it means a suspended chord/note)
Rls: release
Mod: modulation
Lfo: low frequency oscillator
Vca: voltage controlled amplifier
Vcf: voltage controlled filter
Vco: voltage controlled oscillator
Dco: digitally controlled oscillator
Dcf: digitally controlled filter
Dca: digitally controlled amplifier
RlsVe:l release velocity
Midi: musical instrument digital interface
Aux: auxiliary
VolEnv: volume envelope
FilEnv: filter envelope
AuxEnv: auxiliary envelope
Xfd: crossfade
RTXfade: real time crossfade
KeySust: key sustain
Chrs: chorus
ChrsAmt: chorus amount
Amt: amount
Pan: pan
AmpPan: amplifier pan
Fil: filter
FilFreq: filter frequency
FilRes: filter resonance (note-on)
VEnvRts: velocity envelope rates
VEnvAtk: velocity envelope attack
VEnvDcy: velocity envelope decay
VEnvSus: velocity envelope sustain
VEnvRls: velocity envelope release
FEnvRts: filter envelope rates
FEnvAtk: filter envelope attack
FEnvDcy: filter envelope decay
FEnvSus: filter envelope sustain
FEnvRls: filter envelope release
FEnvTrig: filter envelope trigger
AEnvRts: auxiliary envelope rates
AEnvAtk: auxiliary envelope attack
AEnvDcy: auxiliary envelope decay
AEnvSus: auxiliary envelope sustain
AEnvRls: auxiliary envelope release
AEnvTrig: auxiliary envelope trigger
Arp: arpeggiator
LPF: low pass filter
HPF: high pass filter
PWM: pulse width modulation
Mono: monophonic
Poly: polyphonic
AM: amplitude modulation
FM: frequency modulation
RM: ring modulation
AS: additive synthesis
WS: wavetable synthesis
PhM: physical modelling
SS: subtractive synthesis
Oct: octave
Lin: linear
Sync: synchronise
Dig: digital
A/D: analogue to digital
D/A: digital to analogue
DAC: digital to analogue converter
DI: direct injection
DAW: digital audio workstation
DSP: digital signal processing
EFX: effects
HD: hard disc
Mic: microphone
MD: mini disc
S/N: signal to noise ratio
SPL: sound pressure level
VU meter: volume unit meter
SYSEX: systems exclusive
dB : DeciBel, Level of the sound
2) Envelope: Bir notanın Volume deki inis ve cikislar
3) Components of the Envelope of a waveform
A : attack : en yuksek seviyeye ulasis suresi
D :decay : en yuksekten orta seviyeye dusus suresi
S :sustain : orta seviye de bekleyis suresi
R :release : orta seviyeden 0 noktasina inis suresi
4) VST : Virtual Studio Technology
VSTI : virtual studio Technology Instruments
5) Synth Sozlugu
Kybd: keyboard
KybdTrk: keyboard tracking also known as key follow/scaling
Osc: oscillator
Amp: amplifier
Env: envelope
Vel: velocity
Vol: volume
Freq: frequency
dB: decibel
Hz: Hertz
kHz: Kilohertz
EQ: equalisation
EG: envelope generator
Atk: attack
Dcy: decay
Sus: sustain (in synthesis , in music it means a suspended chord/note)
Rls: release
Mod: modulation
Lfo: low frequency oscillator
Vca: voltage controlled amplifier
Vcf: voltage controlled filter
Vco: voltage controlled oscillator
Dco: digitally controlled oscillator
Dcf: digitally controlled filter
Dca: digitally controlled amplifier
RlsVe:l release velocity
Midi: musical instrument digital interface
Aux: auxiliary
VolEnv: volume envelope
FilEnv: filter envelope
AuxEnv: auxiliary envelope
Xfd: crossfade
RTXfade: real time crossfade
KeySust: key sustain
Chrs: chorus
ChrsAmt: chorus amount
Amt: amount
Pan: pan
AmpPan: amplifier pan
Fil: filter
FilFreq: filter frequency
FilRes: filter resonance (note-on)
VEnvRts: velocity envelope rates
VEnvAtk: velocity envelope attack
VEnvDcy: velocity envelope decay
VEnvSus: velocity envelope sustain
VEnvRls: velocity envelope release
FEnvRts: filter envelope rates
FEnvAtk: filter envelope attack
FEnvDcy: filter envelope decay
FEnvSus: filter envelope sustain
FEnvRls: filter envelope release
FEnvTrig: filter envelope trigger
AEnvRts: auxiliary envelope rates
AEnvAtk: auxiliary envelope attack
AEnvDcy: auxiliary envelope decay
AEnvSus: auxiliary envelope sustain
AEnvRls: auxiliary envelope release
AEnvTrig: auxiliary envelope trigger
Arp: arpeggiator
LPF: low pass filter
HPF: high pass filter
PWM: pulse width modulation
Mono: monophonic
Poly: polyphonic
AM: amplitude modulation
FM: frequency modulation
RM: ring modulation
AS: additive synthesis
WS: wavetable synthesis
PhM: physical modelling
SS: subtractive synthesis
Oct: octave
Lin: linear
Sync: synchronise
Dig: digital
A/D: analogue to digital
D/A: digital to analogue
DAC: digital to analogue converter
DI: direct injection
DAW: digital audio workstation
DSP: digital signal processing
EFX: effects
HD: hard disc
Mic: microphone
MD: mini disc
S/N: signal to noise ratio
SPL: sound pressure level
VU meter: volume unit meter
SYSEX: systems exclusive
Ses Teorisi 1
Bass: 10 Hz to 200 Hz
Midrange or mid , a term you hear a lot of engineers use: 200 Hz to about 3 kHz
Treble: 3 kHz to whatever the highest value you can hear.
Dogal aletlerden ornek frekanslar:
Kick drum....20-150Hz
Cymbal... 300-600Hz
3) Frekans arttikca ses incelir.
4) C4 frekansi 261.63 Hz dir. C5 bunun iki kati, C3 ise bunun yarisi.
5) A4 frekansi 440 Hz. Butun aletlerin akordu da buna gore yapilir.
6) Waveforms:
Saw : Saga dogru dik ucgen . Bright. Trance pad, brass, string icin
Sine : Sinus Eğrisi. Smooth. Smooth lead ve smooth bass icin kullanilir
Square : Dikdortgenler halinde. Brass, uflemeli
Triangle : Ucgenler halinde. Flut, zil gibi sesler icin.
Bass: 10 Hz to 200 Hz
Midrange or mid , a term you hear a lot of engineers use: 200 Hz to about 3 kHz
Treble: 3 kHz to whatever the highest value you can hear.
Dogal aletlerden ornek frekanslar:
Kick drum....20-150Hz
Cymbal... 300-600Hz
3) Frekans arttikca ses incelir.
4) C4 frekansi 261.63 Hz dir. C5 bunun iki kati, C3 ise bunun yarisi.
5) A4 frekansi 440 Hz. Butun aletlerin akordu da buna gore yapilir.
6) Waveforms:
Saw : Saga dogru dik ucgen . Bright. Trance pad, brass, string icin
Sine : Sinus Eğrisi. Smooth. Smooth lead ve smooth bass icin kullanilir
Square : Dikdortgenler halinde. Brass, uflemeli
Triangle : Ucgenler halinde. Flut, zil gibi sesler icin.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Bir Aralıkta kaç tane var ?
1) [x , x+5 [ tane sayisi = ]x, x+5] tane sayisi = 5
Eğer 17. den itibaren 5 tane isteniyorsa, 22. dahil değildir.
2) ] x, x+5 [ tane sayisi = 4
3) [x, x+5 ] tane sayisi = 5
Eğer 17. den itibaren 5 tane isteniyorsa, 22. dahil değildir.
2) ] x, x+5 [ tane sayisi = 4
3) [x, x+5 ] tane sayisi = 5
Official Latin Alphabet Of Russian ( BGN/PCGN Romanization )
Russian letter | Romanization | Special provision | Examples |
А (а) | A (a) | None | Азов = Azov Тамбов = Tambov |
Б (б) | B (b) | None | Барнаул = Barnaul Кубань = Kuban’ |
В (в) | V (v) | None | Владимир = Vladimir Ульяновск = Ul’yanovsk |
Г (г) | G (g) | None | Грозный = Groznyy Волгодонск = Volgodonsk |
Д (д) | D (d) | None | Дзержинский = Dzerzhinskiy Нелидово = Nelidovo |
Е (е) | Ye (ye) |
E (e) | All other cases | Белкин = Belkin | |
Ё (ё) | Yë (yë) |
Ë (ë) | All other cases | Озёрный = Ozërnyy | |
Ж (ж) | Zh (zh) | None | Жуков = Zhukov Лужники = Luzhniki |
З (з) | Z (z) | None | Звенигород = Zvenigorod Вязьма = Vyaz’ma |
И (и) | I (i) | None | Иркутск = Irkutsk Апатиты = Apatity |
Й (й) | Y∙ (y∙) | Before а, у, ы, or э. Used primarily for romanization of non-Russian-language names from Russian spelling. The use of this digraph is optional. | Кайафа = Kay∙afa |
Y (y) | All other cases | Йошкар-Ола = Yoshkar-Ola Бийск = Biysk | |
К (к) | K (k) | None | Киров = Kirov Енисейск = Yeniseysk |
Л (л) | L (l) | None | Ломоносов = Lomonosov Нелидово = Nelidovo |
М (м) | M (m) | None | Менделеев = Mendeleyev Каменка = Kamenka |
Н (н) | N (n) | None | Новосибирск = Novosibirsk Кандалакша = Kandalaksha |
О (о) | O (o) | None | Омск = Omsk Красноярск = Krasnoyarsk |
П (п) | P (p) | None | Петрозаводск = Petrozavodsk Серпухов = Serpukhov |
Р (р) | R (r) | None | Ростов = Rostov Северобайкальск = Severobaykal’sk |
С (с) | S (s) | None | Сковородино = Skovorodino Чайковский = Chaykovskiy |
Т (т) | T (t) | None | Тамбов = Tambov Мытищи = Mytishchi |
У (у) | U (u) | None | Углич = Uglich Дудинка = Dudinka |
Ф (ф) | F (f) | None | Фурманов = Furmanov Уфа = Ufa |
Х (х) | Kh (kh) | None | Хабаровск = Khabarovsk Прохладный = Prokhladnyy |
Ц (ц) | Ts (ts) | None | Цимлянск = Tsimlyansk Ельцин = Yel’tsin |
Ч (ч) | Ch (ch) | None | Чебоксары = Cheboksary Печора = Pechora |
Ш (ш) | Sh (sh) | None | Шахтёрск = Shakhtërsk Мышкин = Myshkin |
Щ (щ) | Shch (shch) | None | Щёлково = Shchëlkovo Ртищево = Rtishchevo |
Ъ (ъ) | ” | This letter does not occur in the beginning of a word. | Подъездной = Pod”yezdnoy |
Ы (ы) | Y∙ (y∙) | Before а, у, ы, or э. Used primarily for romanization of non-Russian-language names from Russian spelling. The use of this digraph is optional. | Выудить = Vy∙udit’ |
∙y | After any vowel. Used primarily for romanization of non-Russian-language names from Russian spelling. The use of this digraph is optional. | Суык-Су = Su∙yk-Su | |
Y (y) | All other cases. This letter does not occur in the beginning of words of Russian origin. | Ыттык-Кёль = Yttyk-Kël’ Тында = Tynda | |
Ь (ь) | ’ | This letter does not occur in the beginning of a word. | Тюмень = Tyumen’ |
Э (э) | ∙e | After any consonant except й. Used primarily for romanization of non-Russian-language names from Russian spelling. The use of this digraph is optional. | Двухэлементный = Dvukh∙elementnyy |
E (e) | All other cases | Электрогорск = Elektrogorsk Радиоэлектроника = Radioelektronika | |
Ю (ю) | Yu (yu) | None | Юбилейный = Yubileynyy Ключевская = Klyuchevskaya |
Я (я) | Ya (ya) | None | Якутск = Yakutsk Брянск = Bryansk |
Тс (тс) | T∙s (t∙s) | Used primarily for romanization of non-Russian-language names from Russian spelling. The use of this digraph is optional. | Соответствие = Sootvet∙stviye |
Шч (шч) | Sh∙ch (sh∙ch) | Used primarily for romanization of non-Russian-language names from Russian spelling. The use of this digraph is optional. | Веснушчатый = Vesnush∙chatyy |
Ubuntu Linux HP Wireless Sorunu
Ubuntu 8.04 + Broadcom Wireless
Posted on March 28, 2008 by Christopher
After a pretty smooth install of Ubuntu Studio 8.04 (Hardy Heron) Beta on my wife’s HP Pavillion dv6000 everything seemed to work well. Everything that is, except for the Broadcom Wireless. I just could not get it to switch on.
When trying to activate the proprietary drivers, the system would tell me I needed to reboot the machine for the changes to take effect. Once booted it would still not be enabled. Both physically and in the proprietary driver screen.
To solve my problem I used the following steps:
1. First off you need to ensure that you have the build essentials package installed so that you can build the b43-fwcutter.
sudo apt-get install build-essential
2. Once that is installed you can download and build b43-fwcutter.
tar xjf b43-fwcutter-011.tar.bz2
cd b43-fwcutter-011
cd ..
3. Now we need to download the Broadcom firmware and install it. Note that the “FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR” must point to the directory where your firmware directory is. The one I have used below is what it is in Ubuntu.
export FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR="/lib/firmware"
tar xjf broadcom-wl-
cd broadcom-wl-
../../b43-fwcutter-011/b43-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" wl_apsta.o
4. Now simply reboot the laptop and presto… the little wireless light should be blue
Posted on March 28, 2008 by Christopher
After a pretty smooth install of Ubuntu Studio 8.04 (Hardy Heron) Beta on my wife’s HP Pavillion dv6000 everything seemed to work well. Everything that is, except for the Broadcom Wireless. I just could not get it to switch on.
When trying to activate the proprietary drivers, the system would tell me I needed to reboot the machine for the changes to take effect. Once booted it would still not be enabled. Both physically and in the proprietary driver screen.
To solve my problem I used the following steps:
1. First off you need to ensure that you have the build essentials package installed so that you can build the b43-fwcutter.
sudo apt-get install build-essential
2. Once that is installed you can download and build b43-fwcutter.
tar xjf b43-fwcutter-011.tar.bz2
cd b43-fwcutter-011
cd ..
3. Now we need to download the Broadcom firmware and install it. Note that the “FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR” must point to the directory where your firmware directory is. The one I have used below is what it is in Ubuntu.
export FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR="/lib/firmware"
tar xjf broadcom-wl-
cd broadcom-wl-
../../b43-fwcutter-011/b43-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" wl_apsta.o
4. Now simply reboot the laptop and presto… the little wireless light should be blue
Saturday, November 22, 2008
SATA HDD li Floppy siz HP Laptop lara XP yükleme
1) HP nin sitesinden driver (exe formatinda) indirilir. Winrar ile bu dosyanın icinden f6flpy32.exe bir yere kopyalanir.
2) f6flpy32.exe de winrar ile acilip icindeki F32.IMA dosyasi bir yere kopyalanir.
3) F32.IMA dosyasi ise UltraISO ile acilip, icindeki dosyalar bir yere kopyalanir.
4) Daha sonra nlite ile XP cd si kopyalanip, XP driver larina IAAHCI.INF eklenir, ve direct burn + en dusuk hizda cd burn edilir.
2) f6flpy32.exe de winrar ile acilip icindeki F32.IMA dosyasi bir yere kopyalanir.
3) F32.IMA dosyasi ise UltraISO ile acilip, icindeki dosyalar bir yere kopyalanir.
4) Daha sonra nlite ile XP cd si kopyalanip, XP driver larina IAAHCI.INF eklenir, ve direct burn + en dusuk hizda cd burn edilir.
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