dB : DeciBel, Level of the sound
2) Envelope: Bir notanın Volume deki inis ve cikislar
3) Components of the Envelope of a waveform
A : attack : en yuksek seviyeye ulasis suresi
D :decay : en yuksekten orta seviyeye dusus suresi
S :sustain : orta seviye de bekleyis suresi
R :release : orta seviyeden 0 noktasina inis suresi
4) VST : Virtual Studio Technology
VSTI : virtual studio Technology Instruments
5) Synth Sozlugu
Kybd: keyboard
KybdTrk: keyboard tracking also known as key follow/scaling
Osc: oscillator
Amp: amplifier
Env: envelope
Vel: velocity
Vol: volume
Freq: frequency
dB: decibel
Hz: Hertz
kHz: Kilohertz
EQ: equalisation
EG: envelope generator
Atk: attack
Dcy: decay
Sus: sustain (in synthesis , in music it means a suspended chord/note)
Rls: release
Mod: modulation
Lfo: low frequency oscillator
Vca: voltage controlled amplifier
Vcf: voltage controlled filter
Vco: voltage controlled oscillator
Dco: digitally controlled oscillator
Dcf: digitally controlled filter
Dca: digitally controlled amplifier
RlsVe:l release velocity
Midi: musical instrument digital interface
Aux: auxiliary
VolEnv: volume envelope
FilEnv: filter envelope
AuxEnv: auxiliary envelope
Xfd: crossfade
RTXfade: real time crossfade
KeySust: key sustain
Chrs: chorus
ChrsAmt: chorus amount
Amt: amount
Pan: pan
AmpPan: amplifier pan
Fil: filter
FilFreq: filter frequency
FilRes: filter resonance (note-on)
VEnvRts: velocity envelope rates
VEnvAtk: velocity envelope attack
VEnvDcy: velocity envelope decay
VEnvSus: velocity envelope sustain
VEnvRls: velocity envelope release
FEnvRts: filter envelope rates
FEnvAtk: filter envelope attack
FEnvDcy: filter envelope decay
FEnvSus: filter envelope sustain
FEnvRls: filter envelope release
FEnvTrig: filter envelope trigger
AEnvRts: auxiliary envelope rates
AEnvAtk: auxiliary envelope attack
AEnvDcy: auxiliary envelope decay
AEnvSus: auxiliary envelope sustain
AEnvRls: auxiliary envelope release
AEnvTrig: auxiliary envelope trigger
Arp: arpeggiator
LPF: low pass filter
HPF: high pass filter
PWM: pulse width modulation
Mono: monophonic
Poly: polyphonic
AM: amplitude modulation
FM: frequency modulation
RM: ring modulation
AS: additive synthesis
WS: wavetable synthesis
PhM: physical modelling
SS: subtractive synthesis
Oct: octave
Lin: linear
Sync: synchronise
Dig: digital
A/D: analogue to digital
D/A: digital to analogue
DAC: digital to analogue converter
DI: direct injection
DAW: digital audio workstation
DSP: digital signal processing
EFX: effects
HD: hard disc
Mic: microphone
MD: mini disc
S/N: signal to noise ratio
SPL: sound pressure level
VU meter: volume unit meter
SYSEX: systems exclusive