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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Redmine Installation to Windows

Installation 1) redmine indir siteden 1.2.2 indir. 2) mysqld indir. 3) config/database.yml.example i database.yml olarak kopyala ayni yere. 4) a gidin rubyinstaller for windows indir. 1.8.7 indirecegiz. 5) C:\Ruby187\bin i PATH'e koy. 5) install ederken add ruby executables to PATH isaretle, associate with files isaretle 6) create database redmine character set utf8; create user redmine@localhost identified by 'redmine'; grant all privileges on redmine.* to 'redmine'@'localhost'; 7) 7) rubygems indir. Rubygems ruby nin package manageri 8) D:\redmine\rubygems-1.8.11\rubygems-1.8.11 de setup.rb'ye tikla. 5) te associate edersen direkt tiklayinca calisir. 7) gem install rails -v=2.3.11 de 8) gem install rack -v=1.1.1 9) gem install -v=0.4.2 i18n 10) rake db:migrate RAILS_NEW="production" de redmine root directory de hata aldi 11) rubygems yuksek version kaldi. "gem update --system 1.6.2" de 12) rake generate_session_store 13) SET RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate gem mysql son version degil dedi 14) gem install mysql 15) tam yuklemedi, library eksik buldu. 16) indirdim. ruby/bin directory sine kopyaliyorum. 17) ne olur ne olmaz tekrar gem install mysql dedim. 18) tekrar rake db:migrate dedim. 19) simdi bu : rake redmine:load_default_data her zaman SET RAILS_ENV=production yaptigimiz command prompt ta oldugumuza dikkat edelim. language olarak "en" sec. 20) Simdi ruby script/server webrick -e production yap 21) sonra webde http://localhost:3000/ de 22) admin:admin ile login ol. 23) email icin config/configuration.yml.example i configuration.yml yap. 24) ms exchange in de delivery method'u smtp dir. 25) ms exchange smtp icin authentication istemez. Bu yuzden domain authentication username password u commentle. 26) restart et. Her configuration degisikliginden sonra restart etmeyi unutmuyorsun. 27) admin sifreni degistir. 28) settings/email notifications dan emission email address i redmine@CEBUA yap. Email adresi olmasi lazim yoksa kabul etmiyor. 29) Administration/Settings/General icinde Host Name and Path bolumunu gercek hostname ile degistir. Bu bolum emaillerde geliyor. 30) Administration/Settings/Email Notifications bolumunde emails footer da host u da degistir. 31) Ldap authentication yazarken.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mozilla Firefox Downgrade From 7 To 6

1. Visit Firefox releases folder located in Mozilla FTP Server directory in your browser. 2. Open 6.0.2>Win32>en-US and download Firefox 6.0.2 set up file from there and install it over Firefox 7 in your Computer. 3. You’ll be automatically downgraded to Firefox 6.0.2 without loosing any settings or extensions.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ibatis Dynamic SQL

This is a feature available in iBatis but it is not mentioned in the documentation. You can find the example in the iBatis source code under the unit tests.

Let’s said I need to run the following SQL statement

select * from my_table where col_1 in ('1','2','3')

So how do I pass in the values of 1, 2 and 3 ?

In this case you need to pass in a list parameter. The correct iBatis syntax should be

<select id="select-test" resultMap="MyTableResult"

select * from my_table where col_1 in
<iterate open="(" close=")" conjunction=",">


And in Java you should pass in a java.util.List. E.g.

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(3);
List objs = sqlMapClient.queryForList("select-test",list);

This is another example

<select id="getProducts" parameterClass="Product"
SELECT * FROM Products
<dynamic prepend="WHERE productType IN ">
<iterate property="productTypes"
open="(" close=")"