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Monday, October 19, 2009

GWT 1.6 with IBATIS

Question :


GWT 1.6 + Eclipse.

When trying to connect to MySQL, I get "access denied
(java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup)" as an
accesscontrolexception. I tried to find Jetty's policy file, but with
no success.

Is there an example GWT+MySQL for 1.6? Thank you



Hi clsslk,

I had this problem. If tyour in eclipse try turning off Google App
engine. Go to "Project->Properties->Google->App Engine" and uncheck
the "Use Google App Engine" box.

Now if you actually intend to use app engine then I guess you probably
need this on - but I'm not quite sure how app engine works exactly or
if you can even use a mysql database from app engine.


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